Speaker | Giảng viên

Doodle Brands Founder. Innovation through Design Thinking.
LUMA Institute, Design Thinking Senior Instructor & Facilitator.

Founding and Managing Partner at Saraiva + Associados

Design Principal at HTAP Architects
Workshop Content | Nội dung
Morning section:
In a time of fierce competition between brands and businesses, creating a mark is considered important to help retain customers. Besides the products, keeping the spirit of the brand is necessary for the brand identity system. Therefore, how can designers transmit the brand spirit to customers? The answers can be found in the “SUMMON YOUR STRENGTH” workshop!
1) Design Thinking Fundamentals
Chris will introduce the key innovator mindsets and go-to methods of Human-Centered Design Thinking to help people do things differently and better. He will share how to invite customers in to co-create desirable brands, products and experiences that look good and work well
2) Elements and Principles of Space Design
Elements and Principles of Interior Space Design With the expert, you will learn how to use the elements and principles of design to create a well-balanced interior. You will learn how to identify and apply them to your own space, and will also acquire the knowledge to make informed decisions regarding color palettes, paints, materials or lighting. 6 Principles: Proportion, Balance, Rhythm, Contrast, Emphasis, Harmony You are a step away from designing a beautiful, cohesive, and modern space that looks done by a professional designer!
With the purpose of enhancing design thinking, innovative creativity but still keeping the brand characteristic in all the designs, that is the reason why VDAS organizers hold the “Summon Your Strength” workshop. In this course, there are many practical activities in the creative design industry that will inspire the participants to break their limits and create the design with their own style but still retain the brand's signature.
Afternoon section:
The trend of properly investing in branding in times of outstanding economic development is now a top priority that many big brands have focused on. To differentiate between brands and businesses, leaving an impression is considered important to help retain customers. Distribution centers, Showrooms, Outlets in Mall & Commercial centers, etc., are the place for businesses to most clearly show the difference in originality, spirit and soul of the brand.
Solution and design thinking for commercial spaces will be presented by a seasoned Interior Designer at the Workshop Design "SUMMON YOUR STRENGTH".