Faculty of Printing & Communication, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education | Arpit Technology Center introduce the online course.
🔹 Course content:
Overview of print production; An overview of color theory, color spaces, fonts and design tools, and how to create files for print.
🔹 The course helps you:
- Deeper understanding of the printing production process and the stages in the printing process.
- How to handle files quickly and neatly, ensuring that the printing process takes place at a "lightning" speed.
- Control the quality of printed products and increase the "dexterity" when communicating with the printer
🔹 Participants:
If you are a graphic designer; Staff ordering, purchasing printed goods; If you are a project manager related to graphic design then this is definitely the course for you.
🔹 Form of study:
- Students learn directly on the website of Arpit Technology Center.
- There is a private Facebook group for easy exchange and discussion of learning content.
🔹 Requirements for learners:
Students need to participate seriously, on schedule of the course and must be introduced by the business and fill in the registration form completely.
🔹 Online learning period: 6 weeks starting from September 10, 2021 - October 22, 2021
🔹 Course fee: free for all subjects. Businesses can register for 3 free online classes.
🌐 Link to register for the course:
(Requirement: Specify company information, company representative to introduce employees to participate in online courses and learners' information)
After the free online course, Arpit will organize 2 practical experience sessions in offline form: internship on computers and measuring equipment with guidance from the pre-press rooms at printing houses.
📌 Participation cost: 990,000/course/2 sessions (students may or may not join this offline class). However, when students want to experience 2 actual lessons, they need to complete the online course.

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👇 Link to VMARK Vietnam Design Week | Tuần lễ thiết kế việt nam 2024: