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“Garment Accessories” - Workshop about combining materials trends - HUTECH University


Updated: Sep 19, 2024

On April 8, 2022, the Faculty of Architecture - Fine Arts Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HUTECH) held a workshop "Garment Accessories" for students of Fashion Design and Textile and Garment Technology - creating opportunities for students to update the trend of combining materials in this industry.

Mr. Yamauchi Ryusei - Chief Representative of Hong Kong Shindo Limited in Vietnam - divided the design of accessories into two main branches, namely: sportswear and fashion clothing. Page. He said: “Based on materials and models, the design department will develop ideas and design accessories suitable for each theme, style and purpose of the costume. Simultaneously, the process for producing auxiliary samples also changes depending on the model and material.

Shindo Limited is a Japanese textile manufacturer, one of the companies that owns a wide range of standard apparel decoration materials with more than 40,000 samples of ribbons, knitted fabrics, strings, braids, laces, etc.

Mr. Yamauchi Ryusei - Head of Representative Office of Hong Kong Shindo Limited in Vietnam

The students present at the workshop were also updated with the trends of sewing materials and provided some necessary specialized terms when working with factories and manufacturing companies. If the focus of fashion accessories in previous years focused on polyester, cotton, etc., now, environmentally friendly materials such as recycled polyester (fiber recycled from old plastic bottles) are also trending. outstanding.

Many kinds of ingredients are introduced to students

Accompanying the students at the workshop, besides Mr. Yamauchi Ryusei, the event also welcomed HUTECH Fashion Design faculty, including MSc. Huynh Thi Kim Xuyen and MSc. Dao Thi Thao Hien. In addition to interesting information, the speaker also brought a workshop with many specially designed accessories of Shindo, helping students of Fashion Design and HUTECH Textile and Garment Technology have the opportunity to learn, analyze materials, Samples of actual products.

Students ask questions and interact with speakers

Before closing the workshop, the speaker answered the questions of HUTECH students about the machines for the production of materials, the specific time to create a complete sample of the accessories and how to order processing. After the useful and interesting knowledge about sewing accessories, hopefully, the speaker will help students get more ideas for their designs in the future.

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